Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Games and activities (to be done *before and after* the October 7 class)

Before class:

Please read TSSFFAP Chapter 5 (Gluing Students to Their Seats and Other Fun Social Science Games and Activities) and do the on-line quiz. Also, look through the games on the “Gluing Students to Their Seats” blog:


Prepare a learning game on any social studies topic of your choice.  Play the game with the class on Tuesday, September 7.

After class:

Return to this post and comment on the games.  Of all the games presented, which did you enjoy most?  Which do you think would be the most useful in terms of helping students master social studies content?  How did your own game go?  What (if anything) would you do differently the next time you use that game?


  1. As a whole, all the games presented were great. And though it is a tough toss up between history basketball trivia, history bingo and "what person am I" i would have to chose any one of the versions of "what historical figure am I." I think this game would be an excellent way for students to master the content because they are forced to delve through their knowledge of certain time frames/people/events to ascertain the identity of the figure. Also this game would be a great exercise to get some shy students out of their shells and have them participate in an easy and fun way.

  2. I really enjoyed the games during class. I think that every one that was presented would receive great reviews by students. I thought that the flash card game and the 20 question game worked really well. All of the games did a great job of involving the students and get across important historical information. It was a really fun class.

  3. Everyone's presentations of their games were great. I love Danny's Boston Tea Party/basketball mash-up. Also the trying to find you own identity was very entertaining as the subject had to think of what historical figure they were based on verbal responses from the class. Bingo was also fun, though not as challenging as trying to figure out the historical figure. Honestly I think I would use the identity game for future classes as it is very user friendly. The basketball bit would also be utilized, as completion in making a basket, helps to motivate student learning, as they have to retain prior information to play the game. I feel my around the world game was received well, though maybe next time I would bring some sort of prize for the winners, and do more rounds.

  4. I thought all the games were really fun. My favorites (maybe biased) were the 20 question type games where the class had to guess what historical figure someone was by only asking yes or no questions. I think having all of the games would be valuable though so that the students don't get bored of just one game.

  5. Overall I think games are a benefical way to review matieral and a way to get students activley involved in learning the matieral. Two students had a What historical figure am I, type games and they were really fun. Because it was fake they were from all over history, but it was a really good way to test our knowledge. I think it would be a really good interactive game in a classroom. Overalll you could have a variety of games that appeal to the wide array of student you'll have in the future classroom.

  6. We all brought a great game to play and it made class time fly by. Mixing trivia in with historical figures gave us a way to challenge our minds to figure out the answer. We were able to use process of elimination while asking questions about history to guess who a person was. I think we all had a fun time interacting and you could see our competitiveness come out. I think my game was well received and educational. Having different games was a great way to show variation and still taught us all something that day about history.

  7. One thing that i always found enjoyable to review for a test was to play jeopardy! this isn't always the best because most of the time it is dominated by one or two students, but one way that i feel would get a lot of class involvement would be to play history Charades, would get creative juices of the students flowing and everyone would be involved.
